Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2
long guy

#-- of 0
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Last Map Played
[NBS] Normal Maps [EU]
Last Server Played
1 day
Of Play Time
105572 weeks
Since First Connection
225 weeks
Since Last Seen
2 years ago

[Webfront] the command is /cg_fov 90 in the console that you open with tilde key
[Webfront] if first place is on a killstreak, they get a red box on them
[Webfront] what are you talking about? you literally did awful in your discord live
[Webfront] only to lightweight trash
[Webfront] amos bad
[Webfront] amos bad
4 years ago

really cant stand how everyone has painkiller
happened every time so far
cant win, so he leaves
is the server lagging or just me
seriously cant stand people that need lightweight
cant stand people that need lightweight
tired of luck
cant hit anything
im done
always has to be a game where all the worst players kill me
getting real tired of everyone getting lucky
so hard to time and aim the shot
at least this way I can play more than 2 games
also I literally clear out lobbies when I play
but thats boring?
im way better without jumping
just practicing jump shots
im basically jumping every shot
cause youre a freak
reporting players helps, so keep doing that
ok, long guy has done his thing
how can you get prone blocked in a corner like that
Im stuck
yaw speed is just how fast you turn with a button

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