Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2
Terry Hoitz

#-- of 1
Overall Ranking
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Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
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Last Map Played
[NBS] Gun Game [US]
Last Server Played
16 hours
Of Play Time
113 weeks
Since First Connection
46 weeks
Since Last Seen
one year ago

im not black but i might say it anyway
gator dont play no shit
chups a salty homo
got em
anyone ever have qdoba?
fun fact: 50 cent is the voice for the Navy SEALS in this game
oh hold up gotta get off to return my blockbuster rental
lemme add you on teamspeak
nah still on dos
shit gotta get off the phone so my mom can use the internet
you got an extra activation key for vista?
kid just accept it your not gonna get banned or anything
how would you know i was still there in the first place? ready to jump and prefire at the exact spot i was sitting
totally not suspect
jumping and prefiring around corners where you have no indication of where i would be
your deadass prefiring random corners
chupacabra be walling like a mf
try the vector with silencer its so much fun
i wanna play rekt which is like this for bo1 but it isnt populated at all
thats so dope
no way fr?
little vector action?
or is that vanguard technically by naming scheme?
would cod ww2 be s3x?
40 hours a week practicing building
so i used to hate fortnite for the longest but once they added no build i could finally start playing cause i dont need to spend 40 hours a week practicing building
i had a lot of fun with it but sbmm makes it unbearably sweaty
i'll agree

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