Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2
eRa Foobey

#-- of 0
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Last Map Played
[NBS] Rust Sniping [US]
Last Server Played
1 day
Of Play Time
318 weeks
Since First Connection
137 weeks
Since Last Seen
2 years ago

Disconnected from [NBS] Rust Sniping [US]
Connected to [NBS] Rust Sniping [US]
Disconnected from [NBS] Terminal 24/7 [US]
basin wallhack
Connected to [NBS] Terminal 24/7 [US]
bad trickshot
mouse spin
4 years ago

youre poor im not
i would honestly pay to host a no killstreak server with akimbos disabled
well you just contradicted yourself because you did argue with me about economics
yup thats what i thought retard
i live in the surrounding chicago area, which capped alone would make australia look like a lemonade stand
GDP alone is a shit comparison to two countries when australia is like 1/9th the size of US
no shit i live in the US, you know, this server is hosted in the US
united states
260 ping headass
probably reflects the GDP in the shithole country you live in
nice one retard
yikes you're going for KD ratios in cod in 2019
go play on your own designated servers faggot
you have 260 ping
can you fucking third worlders go boiler water instead of calling in killstreaks please
imagine going for nukes in 2019

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