Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2

#-- of 1
Overall Ranking
Total Kills
Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
Last Map Played
[NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Last Server Played
4 days
Of Play Time
126 weeks
Since First Connection
58 weeks
Since Last Seen
one year ago

Disconnected from [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Connected to [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Disconnected from [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Connected to [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Disconnected from [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
Connected to [NBS] Nuketown 24/7 [EU]
[Webfront] zuco, sas any scrims? I can get a few
[Webfront] Kappa is such a bitch
[Webfront] zuco join the word game. I wanna get another ss
[Webfront] wooooooooooooooooord game
[Webfront] zuco you are scared you gonna get ss'd again by me
[Webfront] why the fuck not?
[Webfront] word game after this
[Webfront] word game word game word game
[Webfront] where the word games at
[Webfront] I'm not even in the game and I can still see the hacks clearly
[Webfront] I will have to ban you both
[Webfront] It's PahEz btw
[Webfront] Tigrs are you Timmans?
[Webfront] Yeah, it's PahEz. Go on doc
[Webfront] dr dragon 3v3? need one more
[Webfront] VaVoom from 2012 comp?
[Webfront] check discord
[Webfront] cumlord you made me rq
[Webfront] the xeno pack special with cheese
[Webfront] eres mejor que xeno
[Webfront] hay un jugador llamado xeno, es un muy buen jugador. ¿Has oído hablar de él antes?
[Webfront] Eres el mejor creo en ti

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