Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2
[RB] Lycan Deku

#-- of 0
Overall Ranking
Total Kills
Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
Last Map Played
[NBS] Terminal 24/7 [US]
Last Server Played
1 day
Of Play Time
349 weeks
Since First Connection
266 weeks
Since Last Seen
5 years ago

at least there are some other ones on here
there is only 1 good cod1 server so when that shit happens it sucks so much
i have no clue why servers put terrible fucking maps like this on their rotation
but comes back when the map is better
yeah i think if its similar to cod 1 the population dies when the map is shit
thanks brother n i see shit hopefully i'll get used to this soon
6on to 7on but got split
my best clip is on that game its a 6onx2 shoudl have been
i do have a decent cod1 montage though
o i see i'm shit at aiming on pc
i'm much better at console just trying to switch over and get better
i'm not a pc player
jesus mw2 was truly my first cod but like i didnt start sniping and hitting clips till mw3
thanks for telling me tohugh
didnt know that everytime i play this shitty fuckign map on console i liteally back the fuck out i hate this map with a fucking passion
i'm fine with that didnt know u were doing that ur the only competent one i swear
no ur good
thnak god
can u asshats give them a spawn flag
thurns wanna help me cap a so we can get c spawn
dude i wish i can report for griefing how do u still not know about spawn trapign in 2019 on cod
the objective isnt to fucking cap all flags spawn trap them
stop capping c

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