Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2

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Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
12 hours
Of Play Time
316 weeks
Since First Connection
312 weeks
Since Last Seen
5 years ago

I bust my ass to get the B flag and yall cant even get it back
good to see that camping on the tank and in the building below is still popular
sniper spam never changes
so much for trying this lobby
see what happens when you don't take down air support early?
common sense
more killstreaks for the enemy, all whole lot more problems for the team to deal with
is taking down the killstreaks really that hard for the rest of you?
do the assclowns just feel drawn to the tank?
yeah, imma spare myself the hypocrisy of this lobby
principles do matter, it is just usually the wrong people preaching about it
given that ive seen people camping ontop of the tank and below it, really just shut up about camping
snipers just arent allowed to be killed, even when you knife them
pretty pointless to ask that when people enjoy camping the tank so much
if you want to complain about campers, please don't have a team full of them spawn trapping. you just make yourself look like an ass.
camping hypocrites galore.. I don't get it lol
when people stop getting ontop of the tank area and under it, then we can talk about counter camping
I mean, I am not one to tell others how to play in that regard, but some self awareness on killstreak usage is necessary
the problem with going for nukes and what not, clears out servers too easily
I have a team that can't cover a flank worth a damn, and you are upset I am using an LMG?
you guys couldn't get out of a spawn if you had a gun to your head, literally
had fun playing shyde, good luck
the sheer amount of assists lol
you didn't even go even ya moron
the only thing I hate about the long score limit, this crapfest is gonna go on forever

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